Thannal Homes

Thannal Homes
Houses are designed and built-in principles followed by Thannal – natural and local materials, minimal consumption of resources, cost-effective, indigenous methods found near the site and use of traditional plant and animal derivatives in construction.

Divided into five categories

  1. Owner’s build – Made by the owner themself or with their family and friends, or with the help of a few workers.
  2. Professionals in Natural Buildings – Architects, Engineers, Interior Designers, and Contractors who have signing authorities to do a building
  3. Self-trained natural builders – Farmers, artists, travellers, fashion designers, research scientists, teachers, government employees and many more.
  4. Artisans/ Masons – Plasterers, Carpenters, Master masons, and other area-skilled people in Natural building and craft
  5. Thannalites – Students of natural buildings who have worked under founders of Thannal – Biju Anna and Sindhu Akka
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