Cost of Natural Building?
Curious about the cost of natural building? We have answers. Learn all you need to know about natural building costs in our comprehensive guide.
Curious about the cost of natural building? We have answers. Learn all you need to know about natural building costs in our comprehensive guide.
Growing our own food is as important as building our own home. This is the article of First Series of Thannal Natural Building Grove.
As part of Laurie Baker’s Birth Centenary Exhibition, Thannal have attempted to reach common man through portraying different dimensions in which we try to spread awareness about Natural Buildings. Go through this brief compilation of the journey of Thannal
Natural building book intends to make individuals unfamiliar with the world of natural building aware of the possibilities that lie in using locally available materials
The Wattle & Daub Cottage at Sukrishi farm in Bangalore, India. With a making of cottage Video and an illustrated guide to cob, wattle and Daub construction
We are lucky enough to get this 18 feet height wood from nearby village. Tied rope at the top most point in different direction to see the pitch of the roof
Two natural colours were used for the grid as well as for the curved wall of cob foundation. For the basic grid points we used red mud and for curves we used lime powder.
While designing Thannal cob homes for Thannal workers we kept this Growing tree as our center point in our design composition, so the whole structure started growing around this tree and our drain.
Who am I mud house has a loft made of bamboo and a small kitchen. West wall has an art work using broken tiles and bottles. This side is also carved using chisel.