Category: Ageless Village Homes

Cow and Natural Building

Why cow is so important in natural building. From seeking permission from mother earth to build our home cow has a relation in natural homes

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Earthen Finishes of Wayanad

“Your skin is the reflection of one’s inner health”. Recipes & techniques behind earthen finishes of Wayanad using sap,rice straw ash, rice husk…… …read more

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Rajagopalan’s Veedu

One of the oldest houses of Wayanad, this cob and straw thatch house is a proof of the resilience of a natural material as humble as mud, standing tough for over 300 years

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Path way to Lime Kilns

The glory isn’t lost, we can reintroduce lime back into our lives into our homes, in this age of global warming they could be the saviours. It’s time we look back for a better future.

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Alchemy in Architecture

Standing proudly, on the edge of the road was a charming remnant of the local architectural tradition of Tumkur. This flat mud terrace roof home is around 200 years old

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