Category: Walls

Earthen Wall Systems

The ranges of different natural building techniques out there are many and all of them are appealing. These wall systems use locally available renewable materials and focus on minimizing the negative ecological impact.

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The Wattle & Daub Cottage

The Wattle & Daub Cottage at Sukrishi farm in Bangalore, India. With a making of cottage Video and an illustrated guide to cob, wattle and Daub construction

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Earthen Finishes of Wayanad

“Your skin is the reflection of one’s inner health”. Recipes & techniques behind earthen finishes of Wayanad using sap,rice straw ash, rice husk…… …read more

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Rajagopalan’s Veedu

One of the oldest houses of Wayanad, this cob and straw thatch house is a proof of the resilience of a natural material as humble as mud, standing tough for over 300 years

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